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How Adaptogens Protect You from Getting Sick

8 min read time

How Adaptogens Protect You from Getting Sick


Our immune system is truly amazing. 

Night and day it relentlessly fights off foreign invaders like viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and all types of harmful microbes. 

It’s like our body’s medicine cabinet constantly protecting us from getting sick.

Nature’s Medicine Cabinet: The Immune System

When our immune system is working well, we can be exposed to all kinds of harmful, disease-causing microbes without getting sick! 

This is because our first line of defense (our awesome immune system) is vigilantly protecting us. 

Nevertheless, we do get sick sometimes, don’t we? And that’s because something has gone 

awry with our normally-powerful and efficient immune system.

Daily Stress ‘Chips Away’ at Your Immunity

Back in the 1950s, the famous stress scientist, Dr. Hans Selye theorized that stress had a direct effect on the immune system and illness. Since his groundbreaking research, there have been hundreds of studies proving the direct relationship between chronic stress and its adverse impact on your immunity and your health. 1, *

Stress comes in many forms and can be mental, emotional, physical, environmental or chemical stress.  And unfortunately, stress has become a normal part of everyday life for most people.

An occasional stressful event (known as acute stress) isn't generally a problem because it usually passes fairly quickly, and your body returns to its normal function.

However, chronic, prolonged  stress that becomes a daily experience can be very dangerous to your health. This is largely because this type of stress continually taxes the immune system due to the flow of the stress hormone cortisol which has been shown to affect your body’s inflammatory response. **  Add this reference: 

This continual release of cortisol gradually chips away at your body's ability to protect you from disease9  and can eventually lead to illness. Even a relatively minor type of physical stress from not getting enough sleep for just a few nights can result in coming down with a cold or the flu! 21

In fact, in the recent article, "Stress Causing You to Get Less Sleep?", researchers at Carnegie Mellon University say,  “Get Ready to Catch a Cold!”. That's because they also find that stress directly affects immune function due to the flow of the stress hormone cortisol.

The  Good News Is:  There’s Actually a Scientifically Proven and Easy Way to Protect Yourself from Stress!                 

It’s called: “anti-stress” adaptogen herbs. 

Simply stated, adaptogens are amazing natural herbs that help your body to adapt to and overcome stress. 

They act by either by preventing your natural stress response or calming your adrenal system from activating in the first place to a stressful event or situation. 2, 3, *

By modulating the reactions of your body to stress, adaptogens not only protect your immune system, they promote an overall state of health and well-being, while restoring your vitality, stamina, and resilience. 2, 3, *

What Exactly Are “Anti-Stress” Adaptogen Herbs?

Native to desolate regions of Siberia and the remote high deserts of Eastern Europe, “adaptogen”  is a name given to a special class of plants that are able to survive and even thrive in the harshest and most stressful conditions on earth.

Adaptogens were first discovered by ancient peoples who witnessed deer and wildlife populations thriving when eating these plants.  Scientists later found that when adaptogenic herbs are ingested, they pass their amazing ability to adapt to stressful conditions on to people!*

 Although adaptogenic herbs have been used for thousands of years in ancient cultures, they’re great value has only recently been recognized in the Western world.


Adaptogens Used for Centuries and Re-Discovered in Modern Times

Used in Eastern medicine, both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic healing traditions for over 2000 years, adaptogenic herbs were used to strengthen the body against disease and to promote energy, vitality, stamina, anti-aging and longevity. 

Adaptogens  were also used in various European cultures, most notably by the Vikings over a thousand years ago to increase their energy, strength and endurance before going into battles or embarking on long, difficult journeys, 1, *

Perhaps the most studies on adaptogens were done by Russian scientists over a period of several decades, primarily between 1945 and 1985.9, * Thousands of studies were secretly conducted by The Soviet Academy of Science which showed the remarkable ability of adaptogens to protect the body from stress and strengthen the immune system.


These studies became so groundbreaking and influential that Soviet scientists coined the word "adaptogen." They used this term to refer to protective plants that help the body adapt to and resist every type of stress. 2, 3, *

Recent Studies Show Numerous Ways Adaptogens Strengthen Your Immunity

Here are just a few:

Adaptogens Increase White Blood Cells

Adaptogens stimulate the production of white blood cells in our immune system known as macrophages (macro=big; phage=eater). These are the cells that destroy pathogens in the bloodstream such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, yeast, mold, etc. These white blood cells are the first line of defense and protect us from infections including the flu and colds.7, *

Adaptogens Increase Natural Killer Cells

NK or natural killer cells are white blood cells that destroy foreign invaders by injecting a chemical bomb (called a granule) into the enemy. The granules explode and destroy the bacteria or virus-infected cells within a matter of minutes. NK cells also attack cancer cells and are known to limit the growth and spread of tumors. NK cells are located predominantly in the blood, lymph system, liver, and lung. 5, 6, *

Adaptogens Increase Interleukin 2 and Interferons

Interleukin 2 is a naturally occurring protein which increases the growth and activity of white blood cells (T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes) resulting in enhanced immune function. Interferons strengthen the response of the immune system to viruses and have been shown to boost the immune response and reduce tumor growth. 4, *

Note: New studies are being conducted to identify how adaptogenic herbs may be useful in treating many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer  and respiratory conditions.

Adaptogens are amazing natural herbs that help your body to adapt to and overcome stress. 


They act by either preventing your natural stress response or calming your adrenal system from activating in the first place to a stressful event or situation. 2, 3, *


By modulating the reactions of your body to stress, adaptogens not only protect your immune system, they promote an overall state of health and well-being, while restoring your vitality, stamina, and resilience.2, 3, *


This led to the development of Peak Male for men and EmpowHER for women, which stand apart from every other adaptogen supplement available because of the unique combination of the 7 primary adaptogens along with other exceptional natural ingredients that further reinforce their benefits.


Time-Tested and Backed by Thousands of Research Studies

Adaptogens have been used throughout history as a way to help the body resist and overcome the negative effects of stress, increase immunity, fight off fatigue, boost strength and stamina, enhance energy and attention, and promote health and longevity.2, 3, *

If you are interested in learning about highly-effective adaptogen supplements that can reduce stress, fortify your immunity and protect your health, you are invited to review our unique health supplements that promote vibrant health and longevity; Peak Male for Men and EmpowHER for Women



1. Saratikov and Krasnov “Stimulative properties of Rhodiola rosea”; Kelly, “Nutritional and botanical interventions”; Darbinyan, Kteyan, Panossian, et al., “Rhodiola rosea in stress-induced fatigue”; A. Economo and B. Galambosi, “Use and introduction of medicinal plants with adaptogen effects in Finland,” Abstracts of the Seminar on Rhodiola rosea, June 18, 2002, Mikkeli, Finland; A. P. Azizov and R. D. Seifulla, “The effect of elton, leveton, fitoton and adapton on the work capacity of experimental animals,” Eksperimental’naia i Klinicheskaia Farma kologiia 61(3) (1998): 61–63; M. G. Novikov and V. D. Adamchuk, “Experience in the organization of medical-preventive work at an industrial enterprise,” Sovetskoe Zdravookhranenie 19(3) (1960): 35–41; V. A. Shevtsov, B. I. Zholus, V. I. Shervarly, et al., “A randomized trial of two different doses of a SHR-5 Rhodiola rosea extract versus placebo and control of capacity for mental work,” Phytomedicine 10(2–3) (2003): 95–105; A. Tolonen, M. Pakonen, A. Hohtola, and J. Jalonen, “Phenylpropanoid glycosides from Rhodiola rosea,” Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 51(4) (2003): 467–70; Kucinskaite, Briedis, and Savickas, “Experimental analysis of therapeutic properties of Rhodiola rosea”; and K. De Bock, B. O. Eijnde, M. Ramaekers, and P. Hespel, “Acute Rhodiola rosea intake can improve endurance exercise performance,” International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 14(3) (2004): 298–307.
2. L. C. Mishra, B. B. Singh, and S. Dagenais, “Scientific basis for the therapeutic use of Withania somnifera (ashwagandha): A review,” Alternative Medicine Review 5(4) (2000): 334–46.
3. C. Tohda, T. Kuboyama, K. Komatsu, and A. Vanella, “Indian medicinal plants as antiradicals and DNA cleavage protectors,” Phytomedicine 8(2) (2001): 125–32; and R. Mohan, H. J. Hammers, P. Bar-gagna-Mohan, et al., “Withaferin A is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis,” Angiogenesis 7(2) (2004): 115–22.
4. Saratikov, “On the simulative action of Siberian Leuzea carthamoides.”
5. Saratikov, “On the simulative action of Siberian Leuzea carthamoides” and A. S. Saratikov, “Leuzea carthamoides as a stimulator of the nervous system,” in Materials of Second Conference on Research of Siberian and Far Eastern Medicinal Plants, 150 (Vladivostok: Academy of Science of USSR, 1961); A. S. Saratikov, L. N. Azbukina, et al., “Experimental studies of phytostimulants,” in Symposium on Eleutherococcus and Ginseng (Vladivostok: Academy of Science of USSR, 1962); A. S. Saratikov and S. F. Tuzov, “Influence of Leuzea carthamoides on the physical work ability and some functional indicators of the organism,” Izvestia Sibirskogo Otdelenia AN SSSR, Seria Obshestvennych Nauk [News of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR], Services in Biomedical Science 12(3) (1963): 126–32; J. Jankulow, I. Issaew, M. Bojadjiewa, et al., “Preparations with stimulating effect from the roots of Rhaponticum carthamoides (WILLD) ILJIN cultivated in Bulgaria,” Die Pharmazie 19 (1964): 345–47; L. F. Kolmakova and N. L. Kutolinam, “Clinical observation for action of Leuzea, Eleutherococcus and golden root extracts in diabetes patients,” in Stimulants of the Central Nervous System, 131–32 (Tomsk, Russia: Tomsk State University Press, 1966); C. G. Cherdyntsev, “Physiological mechanism of action of some stimulants of CNS and role of endocrinological system in implementation of their action,” abstract of dissertation in Biological Science (Tomsk, Russia: Tomsk State University Press, 1970); B. U. Salnik, “Effect of stimulants of CNS on energy supply for different kind of muscle activity,” dissertation, Doctor of Science degree in Medicine (Tomsk, Russia: Tomsk State University Press, 1970); A. H. Mosharrof, “Effects of extract from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd) Iljin (Leuzea) on learning and memory in rats,” Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Bulgarica 13(3) (1987): 37–42; Anatoly Antoshechkin, Leuzea and Your Health: The Siberian Wonder-Plant which Improves Stamina, Slows the Effects of Aging, and Increases Your Resistance to Disease (Clearwater, Fla.: Ceptima Publishing, 2000), 53; I. Kholodova, V. A. Tugai, and V. P. Zimina, “Effect of vitamin D3 & 20-hydroxyecdysone on the content of ATP, creatine phosphate, carnosine and Ca2+ in skeletal muscles,” Ukrains’kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal 69(3) (1997): 3–9; and A. Panossian and G. Wikman, “Effects of adaptogens on the central nervous system and the molecular mechanisms associated with their stress-protective activity,” Pharmaceuticals 3(1) (2010): 188–224.
6. M. A. Gerasyuta and T. N. Koval, “The experience of prolonged use of Leuzea carthamoides extract for the purposes of preservation and increase of mental and physical work capacity,” in New Data on Eleutherococcus and Other Adaptogens: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Eleutherococcus (Hamburg, 1980), 135–38 (Vladivostok: Far East Scientific Center of the Academy of Science of the USSR, 1981).
7. Chang, Pharmacology and Applications of Chinese Materia Medica.

Adaptogens are a class of botanicals that have garnered attention for their ability to modulate the body's stress response and bolster immunity. By acting on multiple pathways, these potent plants may offer an additional layer of protection against various illnesses, ranging from the common cold to more chronic conditions. This in-depth analysis explores the bioactive compounds in adaptogens, their mechanisms of action, and how they can enhance resilience against stress-related health complications. Equip yourself with the insights to make informed decisions about integrating adaptogens into your health regimen.

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Adaptogens are a class of botanicals that have garnered attention for their ability to modulate the body's stress response and bolster immunity. By acting on multiple pathways, these potent plants may offer an additional layer of protection against various illnesses, ranging from the common cold to more chronic conditions. This in-depth analysis explores the bioactive compounds in adaptogens, their mechanisms of action, and how they can enhance resilience against stress-related health complications. Equip yourself with the insights to make informed decisions about integrating adaptogens into your health regimen.

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