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Why Stress Leads to an Early Death
in 7 Out of 10 Americans
- And How Peak Male and EmpowHER can
Protect Your Health from this Silent Killer
You already know stress is bad for your health. Doctors have been telling us for decades we need to reduce stress.
Stress leads to worry, anxiety, sleepless nights, and raises your blood pressure.
You know this already.
But you may not know that stress is the . . .
No. 1 Killer in America
Stress is linked to 70% of diseases and virtually every major cause of death. (2)
In fact, the American Psychological Association reports that stress is linked to the six leading causes of death in the US (13):
- coronary heart disease
- cancer
- respiratory diseases
- accidents
- cirrhosis of the liver, and
- suicide
And if you think the above is bleak, it may get worse before it gets better.
That’s because in our world right now . . .
Stress and Anxiety are Off the Charts
and There’s No End in Sight
In our modern, fast-paced world, we are bombarded by a continual overload of stressors that have now become the new, dysfunctional normal.
Dealing with the normal stresses (family, job, financial pressures, etc.) of our fast-paced modern life is nothing new.
But now our society has been confronted with a whole new set of stressors that no one saw coming. Hundreds of millions of people are dealing with extremely stressful conditions -- from a worldwide pandemic to unprecedented unemployment rates.

This kind of chronic stress not only causes anxiety and sleepless nights, it can lead to long-term, negative, and sometimes irreversible, health consequences.(9)
The good news is that stress does not need to take a toll on your health and longevity!
But before talking about the solution to stress and how you can stay a step ahead of this silent killer, it’s important to understand why and how stress can be so harmful to your health.
The Two Types of Stress
Stress comes in two forms that affect us all. They are:
1. Acute stress. This type of stress is short term and temporary. Examples of acute stress include:
- being stuck in heavy traffic when you’re running late;
- having an argument with a family member or co-worker;
- hearing bad news, such as the death of a friend
An estimated 75%-90% of primary-care physician visits may be related to acute or chronic stress. (13)
Fortunately, acute stress passes quickly for most people once the situation that caused it has passed or been resolved.
2. Chronic stress. Chronic stress is long-term, on-going stress usually caused by feeling constantly under mental, psychological or emotional pressure in certain areas of your life.
These pressures may be related to your job, relationships, financial situation, ongoing health problems or a host of other things. For example, people who feel like they can never catch up with everything they have to do are often victims of self-imposed chronic stress.
Other Chronic Stressors
There are actually many types of stressors that cause chronic stress beyond just the mental and emotional stressors (family, job pressures, etc.) most of us are familiar with. These include:

Physical stress may be caused by lack of sleep, too much physical exertion, a bad diet, excessive heat or cold, or on-going health issues.
Anything that taxes the body physically and the immune system is a physical stressor.
Another type of chronic stressors most people aren’t aware of are chemical and environmental stressors caused by toxins in our food, drinks, medications, everyday cleaning or personal products, even the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Chronic Stress Linked to Increased Mortality Risk
In a large study of people over age 65, men with elevated cortisol were 63% more likely to die than men with lower levels of the stress hormone.
Women with high cortisol levels fared even worse. They were 82% more likely to die than those with low levels of cortisol. (12)
Unfortunately, chemical and environmental stressors are virtually unavoidable for most people in our modern world.
All the more reason we need a simple, proven way that can help us deal with chronic stress.
How Your Body Reacts to Stress
You’ve probably heard of the “fight-or-flight” response.
Animals experience it. Humans experience it.
This is how your body responds to a threat -- whether that threat is real or imagined.
When fight-or-flight is triggered, your body immediately goes into action by releasing a flood of hormones from the adrenal glands including adrenaline and the all-important stress hormone, cortisol. When this happens . . .
- your heart rate speeds up
- your blood pressure increases
- your breathing quickens, and
- your entire body becomes tense and ready to take action

Whether the action is to fight the threat or run from it.
What’s interesting is that your “fight or flight” reaction can occur when the threat is a physical danger, such as suddenly being confronted by a large, growling dog, or a psychological threat, such as getting into a heated argument with your spouse or having to give a speech before a large group of people. (1) These are both examples of short-term acute stress.
While most healthy people can recover from acute stress quite quickly once the situation has passed, chronic or on-going stress is a whole different matter.
Chronic Stress and Your Health
If left untreated, chronic stress can be devastating to your health. (3)
Simply put, stress weakens your immune system.
“Research shows that almost every system in the body can be influenced by chronic stress. When chronic stress goes unreleased, it suppresses the body’s immune system and ultimately manifests as illness.” (2)
-National Institute of Health
When a stressful situation occurs, the stress hormone, cortisol, is naturally released by the adrenal glands.
“The morbidity and mortality due to stress-related illness is alarming.” (2)
-National Institute of Health
This elevated cortisol should be only temporary, and when the threat has passed, cortisol levels should drop to a normal level once again.
The problem arises when stress is almost always present, (like it is for most people in our world right now), and your cortisol levels remain elevated continually.
Too Much Cortisol Can Be Deadly
Cortisol continually circulating in your bloodstream is damaging to your immune system. Your body gets to the place where it’s no longer able to produce enough immune cells to fight off viruses, bacteria and other outside invaders.
This leads to colds, flu, infections of all types -- and even worse.
Chronic (on-going) stress suppresses your immune system which can lead to serious, long-term and sometimes irreversible health consequences
-- including a host of different diseases from the common cold to cancer. (2)
But this is only the beginning of a potential cascade of problems because excess cortisol from chronic stress disrupts almost all your normal body processes -- including all 50 of your body’s hormones!
Chronic stress can affect your thinking (causing “brain fog”), slow your metabolism, affect blood sugar, cause osteoporosis, raise blood pressure, increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and even cancer.
Chronic stress is also directly related to insomnia, obesity, diabetes, anxiety and depression.
Years of chronic stress can actually cause your body to lose its ability to return to normal functioning and cause life-long health issues.
Protecting Yourself from the Effects of Chronic Stress
There is a surprisingly simple, low-cost and proven solution to protect your health from the damage that chronic stress can cause.
This simple solution goes way beyond the common stress relief remedies doctors often recommend, such as meditation, regular exercise, yoga, getting out into nature, taking long walks, etc.
All good advice. And they will help while you’re doing them. But there’s a problem:

Most of us just don’t have the time for meditating, working out, or doing yoga several hours every day.
For optimal health, you need constant, on-going stress relief at the cellular level. This is what provides you with true health protection.
Nature Has Provided a Way for Your Body to Naturally Control Stress
It may surprise you to know that there is a solution to stress that has been used successfully for thousands of years!!
It’s an easy way to calm our bodies and keep our stress - and all-important cortisol levels - under control regardless of what’s going on around us.
Nature’s stress-reliever is called: adaptogenic herbs.

Adaptogens are a small group of remarkable, little-known herbs that have acquired the ability to adapt to stress while living in the harshest, most stressful environments on earth.
When ingested, scientists have discovered that these herbs pass their amazing ability to adapt to and overcome stress on to people!
Did you know?
- Traditional Chinese Medicine has successfully used adaptogens for over 4,000 years.
- Adaptogens were studied for decades by Russian Scientists and credited for many outstanding Soviet achievements, including winning an unprecedented 195 medals in the 1980 Olympic Games.
- Viking Warriors used adaptogen herbs to increase their energy, strength and stamina before going into battle.
Adaptogens Unleash Peak Male and EmpowHER’s Stress Protection
Scientifically formulated with 42 powerful ingredients, the Peak Male and EmpowHER supplements have the unique ability to find a problem or imbalance in your body and direct their power to fix it.
But that’s only part of the true power of these amazing supplements.
Nature’s stress-reliever is called: adaptogenic herbs.

Here's just a few studies out of thousands that show how the adaptogens in Peak Male and EmpowHER can truly benefit your life and reduce stress:
- A study in Human Psychopharmacology found that just one dose of the adaptogen, panax ginseng, provided a mental calming effect on the very first day. This calming effect successfully continued through day eight when the researchers did their follow up. (5)
- Researchers with the Phytotherapy Research Journal found that one dose of the adaptogen rhodiola before breakfast and another before lunch every day reduced anxiety, stress, anger, confusion and depression and showed improvements in overall mood after 14 days. Researchers found powerful antidepressant effects in this amazing adaptogen. (6)
- Researchers with the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine found adults with a history of chronic stress who took the adaptogen ashwagandha for 60 days substantially lowered cortisol levels. (7)
- In a recent 8 week trial, participants who took just one of the anti-stress herbs found in Peak Male and EmpowHer saw these results: reduced tension providing a calm state; decreased anger and irritability; clearer thinking and less “brain fog” that can occur as a result of being overly stressed. (5)
Russian scientists conducted over 3000 studies on adaptogens for over 3 decades and discovered the most potent and effective anti-stress adaptogens.
Researchers also found that Rhodiola, another powerful adaptogen in Peak Male and EmpowHER, was found to contain anti-stress and cardioprotective effects on the heart. (8)
This Russian research also found that combining the most potent adaptogens together in the right proportions magnified their benefits beyond just the sum of the original herbs.
This powerful research was used in the development of both Peak Male and EmpowHER -- which is why these are the most effective anti-stress supplements available anywhere today.
From the first day you add Peak Male or EmpowHER to your daily routine, the patent-pending blend of eight adaptogens combined with iodine, selenium, zinc, and much more go to work for you to:
- Keep the stress hormone cortisol in check
- Improve a man’s most important hormone (testosterone)
- Balance a woman’s most important hormones
- Balance the thyroid hormone
- Improve a slowing metabolism
Protect Your Health from the Dangers of Stress
According to both traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic traditions, there is hardly any disease that cannot be controlled or cured with specific adaptogen herbs.
And that may be even more true for reversing chronic stress and the deadly dangers that accompany it.
Relieves Stress and Anxiety
One of the natural anti-stress herbs found in Peak Male and EmpowHer saw these results: reduced tension providing a calm state: decreased anger and irritability; clearer thinking and less “brain fog” that can occur as a result of being overly stressed. (5)
From the moment you take Peak Male or EmpowHER, these powerful herbs will begin to take effect, not only to start protecting you from stress, but protecting your health in many other ways as well.
Peak Male is scientifically formulated to address both acute and chronic stress by reducing the damage they do to our bodies, as well as increasing our resistance to stressors.
From helping your body to normalize its cortisol levels, to stabilizing the insulin that mobilizes carbohydrates, and supporting the thyroid that balances your metabolism, Peak Male and EmpowHER will restore your body back to balance.
Beginning on day one, Peak Male and EmpowHER will help you:
- feel less stressed and much calmer
- reduce worry and anxiety
- sleep much better
- improve mental clarity and focus (reduce brain fog)
Easy, Safe & Natural - Inexpensively
Guard Your Health
You’ll also protect your health at an unseen level from the silent killer because Peak Male and EpmowHER will keep your stress hormone, cortisol, under control.
Peak Male and EmpowHER are:
the easiest and safest way to protect your health from the
dangerous effects of chronic stress
-- which can be silently wreaking havoc in our bodies -- often without us knowing about it until we end up with a very serious health issue.
Renew Your Whole Body, Starting Today
It won’t take long until you see the great results of Peak Male and EmpowHER on the outside -- feeling calmer, happier, more in control of your life and enjoying better sleep . . .
In the world we live in, we may not be able to control the many stressors that constantly bombard us, but we can prevent those stressors from taking a serious toll on our health with Peak Male and EmpowHER.
While at the same time knowing that when you’re under pressure or feeling overwhelmed with life’s challenges and difficulties, you can have peace of mind knowing that your health is being protected from multiple stressors.
And while the unavoidable environmental stressors would normally be taking a silent toll on your body without you being aware of it, Peak Male and EmpowHER act like . . .
The unseen Guardians of your health every day -- no matter what comes at you!
Your Peak Male and EmpowHER Stress Guard
is on Duty Day and Night!
Give Peak Male or EmpowHER a try for yourself.
Think about it: for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you can not only feel calmer and happier, enjoy more energy and stamina, sleep great and think more clearly, you can have 24-hour-a-day stress protection!
You have absolutely no risk in trying Peak Male or EmpowerHer with our . . .
120 Day No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee
That’s right, if after 120 days you aren't enjoying better sleep, feeling less stressed, less anxious, feeling more calm, thinking clearer and noticing an increase in vigor, stamina, less fat and even seeing an increase in muscle strength -- or even if you are getting results this good or better and you simply want your money back -- you can take us up on our no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee!
You have a full 4 months to see if Peak Male or EmpowHer are right for you.
You have nothing to lose. You’ll only gain.
We look forward to helping you, too, achieve results this good or better.
Try us today by going here.
Sources & References
1. The American Institute of Stress, "How the Fight or Flight Response Works," website, "," accessed August 19, 2020.
2. National Institute of Health, "Life, Stress and Illness," website, "," accessed August 19, 2020.
3. Health Affairs, "Exposure To Harmful Workplace Practices Could Account For Inequality In Life Spans Across Different Demographic Groups," website, accessed August 19, 2020.
4. University of Texas, "Stress Hormone Blocks Testosterone’s Effects, Study Shows," UT News website, "," accessed August 19, 2020.
5. Current Topics in Neutraceutical Research, "The Effect of Acute Administration of 400mg of Panax Ginseng on Cognitive Performance and Mood in Healthy Young Volunteers," website,,"accessed August 19, 2020.
6. Phytotherapy research, "The Effects of Rhodiola rosea L. Extract on Anxiety, Stress, Cognition and Other Mood Symptoms," Wiley Online Research website,," accessed August 19, 2020."
7. National Institute of Health, "A Prospective, Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Safety and Efficacy of a High-Concentration Full-Spectrum Extract of Ashwagandha Root in Reducing Stress and Anxiety in Adults," website,," accessed August 19, 2020.
8. Green Med Info, "Rhodiola is cardioprotective and has anti-stress activity," website, "," accessed August 19, 2020.
9. Life Extension Magazine, "Fight Chronic Stress at the Biological Level," Life Extension website, “," accessed August 20, 2020.
10. Adaptogens in Medicinal Herbalism, Donald Yance, CN, MH, RH(AHG)
11. Stress Hormone Blocks Testosterone's Effects, Study Shows." UT News | The University of Texas at Austin. The University of Texas at Austin, 27 Sept. 2010. Web. 15 May 2017.
12. LifeExtension Magazine, July 2020, Downey, Michael, Reduce the Effects of Excess Stress to Protect Immunity.
13. Miami Herald, “Chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death,” Miami Herald website,",” accessed August 21, 2020.