Did you know? - That every cell in your body actually has a “clock” that determines how long it will live?
This “clock” is called a telomere and it determines how long your cells can:
- withstand stress
- resist disease
- reproduce &
- stay alive
Telomeres are DNA caps at the end of the chromosomes in every cell of your body and serve to protect the chromosome (similar to the way a plastic cap at the end of a shoestring protects the shoestring by keeping it from unravelling).
Here’s what scientists have discovered about telomeres:
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The length of each telomere indicates how long a cell can keep dividing
and replicating itself before it finally dies - Cells with long telomeres live longer than those with short telomeres
- Cells with short telomeres age faster and have a shorter lifespan
UCLA researchers recently discovered that chronic stress doesn't just lead to high stress hormone (cortisol) levels which decreases your immunity and endangers your health; it shortens your telomeres.
Short telomeres are associated with a wide range of diseases including
cancer, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes,
insulin resistance, NIV infection, and accelerated aging.
If you want to live a long and healthy life, you must protect yourself from life-threatening chronic stress. Stress accelerates the aging process by shortening the telomeres (your “life clock”) in every cell in your body. As your telomeres shorten, your cells age, and the result of aging cells is an aging body and a shorter lifespan.
The good news is that we’ve developed a powerful anti-stress adaptogen herbal supplement that has been specifically developed to address the root causes of our modern health problems which are linked to chronic stress.
And, because men and women have very different hormone profiles, two different forms of this unique, scientifically-formulated herbal supplement were created.
- Peak Male is specifically tailored to a man’s needs -- not just in protecting him from chronic stress, but also keeping his testosterone at optimum levels which is absolutely critical to a man’s health, especially as he gets older.
Go to: Peak Male
- EmpowHER is an anti-stress and anti-aging formula designed for women and their unique hormonal issues which can lead to weight gain, menopause discomfort, PMS, and other hormone-related problems.
Go to: EmpowHER
UCLA researchers recently discovered that chronic stress shortens telomeres which can lead to serious diseases, accelerated aging and a shortened lifespan.
If you want to live a long and healthy life, you must protect yourself from life-threatening chronic stress.
This is why Lean Factor created two different forms of a unique, scientifically-formulated herbal health supplement to combat stress and the serious health dangers stress can cause:
- Peak Male is specifically tailored to a man’s needs -- not just in protecting him from chronic stress, but also keeping his testosterone at optimum levels which is absolutely critical to a man’s health, especially as he gets older.
Go to: Peak Male
EmpowHER is an anti-stress and anti-aging formula designed for women and their unique hormonal issues which can lead to weight gain, menopause discomfort, PMS,and other hormone-related problems.
Go to: EmpowHER
- Inflammation: The Common Pathway of Stress-Related Diseases:,soil%20of%20stress%2Drelated%20%20diseases
- Study Finds Link Between Chronic Depression and Accelerated Immune Cell Aging:
- Is There a Biomarker That Predicts Your Biological Age?:
- Telomeres, lifestyle, cancer, and aging:
Telomeres serve as crucial biomarkers for cellular aging, acting as the "life clocks" that determine the longevity of individual cells. Understanding the biology of telomeres opens the door to groundbreaking insights into aging processes and related health implications. This in-depth analysis delves into the complex interactions between telomeres, cellular senescence, and the genetic factors that influence how long your cells live. By comprehending the science of telomeres, you can make informed decisions on lifestyle modifications and interventions aimed at slowing cellular aging and enhancing overall well-being.
Telomeres serve as crucial biomarkers for cellular aging, acting as the "life clocks" that determine the longevity of individual cells. Understanding the biology of telomeres opens the door to groundbreaking insights into aging processes and related health implications. This in-depth analysis delves into the complex interactions between telomeres, cellular senescence, and the genetic factors that influence how long your cells live. By comprehending the science of telomeres, you can make informed decisions on lifestyle modifications and interventions aimed at slowing cellular aging and enhancing overall well-being.